Class Summary

The Battle Breaker is trained up in the art of fighting against multiple opponents. Usually a general’s champion on the battlefield, the Battle Breaker is capable of triumphing over seemingly overwhelming odds.

As Battle Breaker, you will wield the elemental powers in mighty clashes at the center of combat. You gravitate to wherever the fighting is most intense, often prone to give in to rage and bloodthirsty destruction, drawing enemy attention as a valued member of a team.

Class Features

Primal Fury

Whenever an enemy hits you with an Attack, gain 1 AP.

Elemental Power

Whenever you critically hit an enemy, that enemy takes an additional 10×DM as Lightning Damage.

Wounded Frenzy

Gain +10 to hit and critically hit on a roll of 19 or 20 when you are at half health or less.

Ancestral Stones

You may actively use the magical properties of an Ancestral Stone. These effects are described by the stone being utilized.



Weapon Proficiency

Basic Two-handed sword

10 foot range. Blade Damage. +10 Damage. +1 AP cost.

Basic Two-handed axe

10 foot range. Blade Damage. +10 Damage. +1 AP cost.

Basic One-handed sword

5 foot range. Blade Damage.

Basic Shield

+50 Armor

+5 bonus to block.

Make a roll and attempt to block.

Adds armor (removed before health on a successful block).

Block (Instant): Spend 1 AP to attempt to block an attack that would hit you. Roll like you would an Evasion roll, but include your shield’s bonus to block. On a successful block, your shield takes the damage of the hit.


5 foot range. Blunt Damage.


5 foot range. Blunt Damage.

Basic Attacks (1 AP)


+5 to hit for this Attack against one target.

Aim with your swing, keeping it tight and controlled.

Deals 1×DM Weapon Damage to target.


+2 to hit for this Attack against one target.

Burst outward with a violent, powerful swing. It is not aimed, but if it hits, it is devastating.

Deals 2×DM Weapon Damage to target.


-5 to hit for this Attack against one target.

As you unleash your fury and rage, you swing your weapon in a powerful, adrenaline-filled attack.

Deals 3×DM Weapon Damage to target. You may critically hit on a roll of 19 or 20.


+1 to hit against up to five targets.

Allowing the weight of your weapon to balance your own, you spin in a circle, weapon extended, to tear through your foes.

Deal 1×DM Weapon Damage to each enemy hit.

Ancestral Stones (Choose One. 2 AP to switch)

Ark Stone

Gain +5 to hit on all attacks.

Iron Stone

Take half damage from all attacks.

Lectrus Stone

Your Taunt and Beckon now also electromagnetically pull affected enemies to your location unless the pull is resisted by an affected creature. Dueling (Enemy’s Strength vs Your Strength), defender wins, then they are not pulled.

Intercept Stone

You gain one free Attack anytime you use your Intercept ability.

Vitalus Stone

Gain 1d6×SM health each round.

Storm Stone

Your Path of the Storm Titan ability lasts one additional round.